Business Editing Services
We edit website contents and printed material such as annual reports, business plans, press releases etc. We will determine the level of editing required and send you a price estimate. All submissions are divided into two services, namely:
This applies when website presentations or documents are well organized with generally acceptable grammar and style. They require just a gentle polish of the existing text.
Our editors will go over your text with an expert eye, combing your work for problems with grammatical errors, typing mistakes, misspelled words, misplaced commas, punctuation and quotation mark misuse, and much more. We also have a keen sense of what makes good readability and what improves comprehension.
This applies when website presentations and documents require more of an in-depth examination and revision.
We will improve your presentation by a better choice of words and clarify your intent by reorganizing your text. The end result will be a dramatically improved message, concise and at the same time eminently readable.
Editing includes proofreading of the final result to ensure that the text is free of problems with grammatical errors, typing mistakes, misspelled words, misplaced commas, punctuation and quotation mark misuse, and much more.
TERRA EDITORS helps businesses around the world with:
- Proofreading, and Editing Online Website Content
- Proofreading Resumes for Online Submission
- Editing Online and Offline Legal and Business Documents
- Rewriting and Editing Business and Professional Printed Matter